5 Simple Tweaks to Improve Your Company’s Website

 5 Simple Tweaks to Improve Your Company’s Website

Want to freshen up your company site, but don’t know where to start? Or, perhaps you think that your business’s website is as good as it can get. There are always some little things you can do to improve the experience of using your site for customers, and for yourself.

Improving your company’s website doesn’t mean you have to order a full re-design; in fact, many of the most beneficial improvements can be made in a matter of minutes. Here is our list of 5 simple tweaks you can make to your company’s website, and how they’ll benefit your business.

1. Add a Google and Facebook Pixel

This first option won’t have any effect on what your site visitors see, but it can be a great help for you when redesigning your site, and optimizing your marketing strategy. A pixel is a small strip of code that you can place into your website’s HTML. This code then tracks important metrics, such as visits, time spent on particular pages, and conversions. Gathering this information is incredibly beneficial when deciding what to place an emphasis on your site, or what to offer to new customers when advertising.

2. Choose a New Format

While you don’t have to do a full re-design, sometimes giving things a re-shuffle on your site can help to freshen it up. This means repeat customers get an updated, but not drastically different, experience when browsing the site, and new visitors are treated to the best web design you can offer. DLR Media, Dundee web design agency, creates and develops custom websites for small businesses who want to attract and convert new customers. With consistent design for both your site and brand, they offer powerful and effective sites that reach out to your target audience.

3. Add Video Content

We all know how important images can be on your site, to give readers context, and push yourself up the search engine rankings. High quality content can be a big help when it comes to your site’s reputability, and ups the time that customers stay on your site for. Providing customized video content can cost a little more, and involves hiring a content creator for the best results. However, if you’re handy with editing software, there are countless sites out there that offer royalty-free video footage, so why not create your own video content for your site?

4. Optimize Your Microcopy

Microcopy are the little things on your site, like buttons in the navigation header, that you might not think make a big impact. This part of web design often goes under-appreciated even by site designers themselves. Microcopy is sometimes just as important as the big stuff when it comes to search engine optimisation. As well as this, great micro copy will create a cohesive brand, and make navigating through your website a breeze for customers. This will also give you a great edge on your competition.

5. Revamp Your Calls to Action

As a general rule, calls to action should be brief, and create urgency to drive site visitors toward becoming customers. There are countless ways you can make your call to action stand out. Interactive calls to action, in which customers click a button to enter their information, or are taken to a new page, can freshen up the experience. Interactive calls to action are far more likely to convert, especially if you offer customers a reward such as a discount later down the line.

Dom Daniel