Filelinked – Android TV App Store

 Filelinked – Android TV App Store

Android TV is the best and popular TV box available right now. It is the most affordable TV box. You can find plenty of choices when you want buy your Android TV box. Just like for phones, there are many manufactures of Android TV boxes like Nvidia, Mi, H95, Skystream, Amazon and more.

Many thinks that apps and games on Android phones are compatible on Android TV too. It is not true. Because Android phone apps and games are developed to work with phone sensors and touch screen. TVs does not have them. If you really want to use such app, make sure to use external mouse and keyboard. Because having a mouse allows you to click whatever the place you want. Because using D -pad of your TV remote will be hard.

Android TV App Store

Android phones has plenty of app stores like APKPure, UpToDown, AppVN, Aptoide and AC Market. You can’t use those app store on TV boxes. Because many Android developers develop separate optimized version of their already popular app or game to TV. Like Asphalt 8 phone version and Asphalt 8 TV version. If you use app store developed for phone, you won’t be able to install those TV apps and games.

There are not many Android TV app store. There are few like Filelinked, Aptoide TV and APKTime. These three-appstore serve different purpose. Aptoide TV is the best available alternative for Play Store TV. Because Aptoide TV has the apps offered by Play Store designed for TV. If you want to install phone only version, you can use Aptoide TV. You can search the app you want like Clean Master. Since Clean Master does not support TV boxes, you won’t be able see that app on compatible list. You can see that app on all results page.

APKTime does not have huge library of apps. It has handful amount of selected TV apps and games. Most of them are free Movies, TV shows, Live TV and streaming apps. Most use that app store to find best free streaming app.

Filelinked is not like any app store. Installing Filelinked does not give access to apps or games. You have to find Filelinked codes. Filelinked codes give access to each Filelinked stores. There are thousands of Android TV filelinked stores full of TV apps and games. Anyone can create their own store using Filelinked dashboard. It is completely free.

You have to join Facebook groups, subscribe to YouTube channels to find best and trending Filelinked codes for Android TV. Google TV and Fire TV devices too support all those app stores.

David Curry